生态翻译研究专栏 /
05 文本移植的生命存续——“生生之谓译”的生态翻译学新解 胡庚申
13 译者研究的问题转换与生态定位:生态翻译学视角 罗迪江
20 再论翻译生态环境 方梦之
译史纵横 /
28 弗兰金仙的译介与民族象征符号 廖七一
36 “拼却声名顾大局”:曾纪泽的跨语际实践 杨焯
译介研究 /
44 卡尔维诺作品在中国的译介与接受(1955-2019) 周婷
翻译教学 /
52 口译学能测试预测效度研究:以目的语复述为例 尚小奇 柴明颎
63 国内外翻译硕士人才培养模式对比研究 史兴松 牛一琳
译家研究 /
71 论冯友兰哲学术语翻译思想 周勇
79 东亚视野与译学互动——论韩国汉学家朴宰雨的中国文学译介 张乃禹
学术视点 /
88 认知术语学视角下中华思想文化核心术语翻译的概念建构模型——以“天”相关术语为例 黄鑫宇 魏向清
书刊评介 /
98 口笔译神经认知的研究理念与理论构建——
The Neurocognition of Translation and Interpreting评析 侯林平 郎玥
学术访谈 /
107 跨学科翻译研究:学科意识与系统路径——加尔博夫斯基访谈录 纪春萍
行业研究 /
113 区块链技术的众包翻译应用 陆艳
翻译技术 /
121 人工智能技术在计算机辅助翻译软件中的应用与评价 周兴华 王传英
学术争鸣 /
130 浅谈《伤寒论》罗希文译本中的几个翻译问题 王娜 闻永毅
实践探索 /
136 政治话语重复修辞的翻译——以《习近平谈治国理政》为例 邓中敏 曾剑平
145 植物名称的因类制宜翻译法探索 任开兴
154 西方修辞学视角下的法庭口译研究 赵军峰 杨之淼
163 多模态视角下的远程视频会议口译——基于医疗平台视频线上会议的案例分析 蒋莉华 李颖
自学之友 /
171 The Bohemian Girl (Excerpt)(Willa Cather) 曹明伦 译
174 翻译什么就研究什么 曹明伦
179 “民主”概念变迁的启示(林巍) 林巍 译
182 在历史沿革中辨析与疏通—— 关于“民主”概念的翻译 林巍
词语选译 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情相关词汇英文表述(三)
胡庚申 郑州大学/清华大学
罗迪江 郑州大学 / 广西科技大学
方梦之 上海大学
廖七一 四川外国语大学
杨焯 华东政法大学
周婷 北京语言大学
尚小奇 深圳大学 | 柴明颎 上海外国语大学
1 =0.548, ρ
2 =0.604, ρ
3 =0.600, ρ
4=0.643);(2)受试者的汉英复述成绩可以解释汉英口译表现 42.2% 的变异,其中信息维度(β
1 =0.302) 和语言维度(β
2 =0.453)的预测程度各不相同。这一研究发现为口译学能测试的设计、实施和评估等测试框架的完善提供了重要的数据参考和实证依据。
史兴松 牛一琳 对外经济贸易大学
周勇 四川大学/西南医科大学
张乃禹 苏州大学
黄鑫宇 魏向清 南京大学
——The Neurocognition of Translation and Interpreting 评析
侯林平 山东科技大学 | 郎玥 山西大学
摘要:The Neurocognition of Translation and Interpreting(García,2019)基于证据的研究理念,提出并论证了口笔译神经认知研究的“已知观”“互补观”和“合作观”。在系统探讨“翻译加工路径”“翻译方向”“源语加工单位”和“口译员专长”四个主要课题的神经心理学、神经科学和行为证据基础上,该书构建了普适性的理论。尽管该书仅限于四大核心课题的探讨,但是具有权威性、系统性和开拓性的特色,对我国口笔译神经认知研究在理论构建和研究课题拓展方面具有重要启示。基于此,本文分析了我国口笔译神经认知研究现状,并提出了改变现状的建设性方案。
纪春萍 复旦大学
陆艳 上海立信会计金融学院
周兴华 南开大学/鲁东大学 | 王传英 南开大学
摘要:人工智能时代,计算机辅助翻译软件也在不断集成和增加基于人工智能技术的新功能,其目的是希望通过采用新技术进一步提高翻译效率,缩短项目周期,同时降低翻译成本。鉴于目前以“人工智能”和“翻译软件”为关键词的研究成果还不多,本文选取 Memsource 软件AI驱动的非译元素功能和机器翻译质量评估功能,以及 SDL Trados Studio 软件的自适应机器翻译功能作为研究对象,分析和探讨这三个典型的人工智能技术驱动的新功能的设计初衷、具体应用和实际效果,最后对其进行简要评价,希望以点代面说明当前人工智能新技术在计算机辅助翻译软件智能化发展过程中发挥的革命性作用、尚存在的问题和可能的发展方向。
王娜 闻永毅 陕西中医药大学
摘要:1986年,罗希文先生第一次全面的翻译了《伤寒论》,该译本得到了广大读者的认可,享誉国内外。而《伤寒论》罗译本也成为中医翻译学者研究学习的宝贵材料,不断的探讨研究既使中医译者学习到罗希文先生的翻译理念与技巧,同时也让他们看到了这一译本由于时代限制所留下的一些小瑕疵。发现和完善原译本的不足,才能不断的推动《伤寒论》翻译的进步。而本文也从《伤寒论》罗希文译本中西医词汇的应用,文化负载词的翻译,译文的“信” 与 “达”以及省译策略的选择四个方面提出了对该译本的一些意见与建议,希望能与中医翻译界的学者们一起探讨。
邓中敏 江西师范大学 | 曾剑平 江西财经大学
任开兴 台州学院
赵军峰 杨之淼 广东外语外贸大学
蒋莉华 李颖 湖南师范大学
Keeping Textual Life Alive through “Transplanting”
By HU Gengshen (Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China / Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) p.5
Abstract: This paper discusses the connotations, performances, relationships and mechanisms of and between two key concepts of Eco-translatology, i.e., “Translation as Textual Transplanting” and “textual life” as a mode of thinking. It maintains that from an eco-translatological perspective, letting the text to “trans-live and re-live” in the target-text ecology ought to be understood as the nature of translation. It further points out that this textual life-oriented view has been inspired by ancient Chinese philosophy on life, which not only helps enhance our understanding of the essence of translation in general, but also strengthens the explanatory power of Eco-translatology.
Keywords: textual transplant; textual life; Eco-translatology; keeping living things alive
Problem Shifts and Eco-Orientation of Translator Research from the Perspective of Eco-Translatology
By LUO Dijiang (Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China / Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou, China) p.13
Abstract: Researches on the subject of translation since the late 20th century have profoundly changed our understanding of the translator, resulting in three shifts in the practice of TS: (1) from “the text’s perspective” to “the translator’s perspective”; (2) from “materialization-entailed invisibility” to “humanization-entailed visibility”; and (3) from the notion of a “transferor” to that of an “Eco-human.” Within the theoretical context of Eco-Translatology, the translator as an eco-human aims at: (1) constructing a dialectic relationship among her/his leading role, the responsibilities s/he is charged with, and her/his professional development; (2) carrying out translation-enabled eco-practice by constructing a harmonious relationships between translator’s survival, textual life and translation ecology, i.e., examining translator’s survival plights, emphasizing textual life form and striving for translational ecological wholeness.
Keywords: translator research; problem shift; eco-orientation; Eco-Translatology; eco-translation
Further Thoughts on Eco-Translation Environment
By FANG Mengzhi (Shanghai University, Shanghai, China) p.20
Abstract: Built on his previously published paper dealing with the same topic, the author looks more deeply into the notion of eco-translation environment as one of those key concepts of eco-translatology that still leave much for further discussion. In addition to offering a terminological system of the concept and its graphic representation, the author also analyses different levels of eco-environment and the transformation of an original eco-environment into that of a version’s, and calls for further investigation into the relevant problem of “translation eco-balance.”
Keywords: eco-translation environment; terminological system; level; transformation; eco-balance
How a New National Symbol Evolved out of Early Chinese Versions of Frankenstein
By LIAO Qiyi (Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, China) p.28
Abstract: This paper traces the evolving of a sleeping/awakening lion as a symbol for China during the country’s transformation into a modern nation-state. Sorting through such “Western sayings” widely circulating in Chinese discourse during that period, such as Napoleon’s famous comparison of China to a sleeping giant, it eventually identifies as the symbol’s original source early Chinese versions of Frankenstein, translated and rewritten respectively by Zeng Ji-ze, Yan Fu and Liang Qichao. The paper further points out that the emerging of the symbol was the results of a struggle among different political sections and a conflict of mixed feelings of the masses, and that the symbol was in fact invested with emotions, imagination and expectations of Chinese people for a new nation-state eventually replaced the traditional imperial court symbolized exclusively by “the dragon.”
Keywords: nation-state; Frankenstein; sleeping/awakening lion; symbol
“Personal Fame or the Nation’s Future”: A Study of Tseng Chi-Tse’s Translingual Practice
By YANG Zhuo (East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China) p.36
Abstract: This study offers a critical examination of the translingual practices undertaken by Marquis Tseng Chi-tse (1839-1890), who served as the Chinese Minister to Russia and Great Britain during the tumultuous Late-Qing period in early modern Chinese history. By showing how Tseng’s cross-linguistic and cross-cultural activities were guided by his principle of placing the country’s future above considerations for his own fame, the paper sheds light on what had motivated Tseng into making unique contributions to his country, and sets him up as an inspiration for those who are engaged in similar translingual practices nowadays.
Keywords: Tseng Chi-Tse; diplomacy; treaty; translingual practice; translation studies
Translation and Reception of Italo Calvino’s Works in China (1955-2019)
By ZHOU Ting (Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China) p.44
Abstract: Known as the “master of writers” and having been translated into Chinese for more than sixty years, Calvino is one of the most popular contemporary Italian writers in China and, as such, has exerted considerable impacts on contemporary Chinese literature and social changes. This study analyzes the history of his translation and reception in China, outlining the route whereby his works have been introduced to the Chinese audience through translation, and paying attention as well to the complex relationship between translation history and various social and cultural factors.
Keywords: Calvino; China; Translation; Reception; Italy
Measuring the Validity of Aptitude Testing for Interpreting: With C-E Retelling as an Exemplar
By SHANG Xiaoqi (Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China) &
CHAI Mingjiong (Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China) p.52
Abstract: Retelling across languages is a form of aptitude testing for interpreting widely adopted in interpreter training institutions across the world. However, such an approach has so far been largely based on impressionistic views of interpreting scholars and practitioners rather than empirical data. To address this gap, a study has been conducted to explore the predictive validity of cross-linguistic retelling within the Chinese context. A total of 52 first-year interpreter trainees enrolled in the MTI programs of four Chinese universities participated in the study. They took both a C-E retelling test and an interpreting test at the beginning and then at the end of the academic year respectively. Analyses of the data derived from the tests suggest that: (1) interpreter trainees’ scores in the four criteria of the C-E retelling (fidelity, language, coherence and delivery) are significantly correlated with their end-of-year C-E interpreting performance; (2) their scores in the C-E retelling could explain 42.2% of their variance in the C-E interpreting, with language as a more powerful predictor than fidelity. The findings of the study are expected to provide empirical evidence for the design, implementation and assessment of aptitude testing for interpreting.
Keywords: aptitude testing; predictive validity; retelling across languages; quality assessment
A Comparative Study of the Models for MTI Education at Home and Abroad
By SHI Xingsong & NIU Yilin (University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China) p.63
Abstract: The cultivation of translation and interpreting professionals is the overriding purpose for the development of translation majors. Through a content analysis of the education models for MTI on the websites of 41 foreign and 46 domestic universities, this paper finds that: (1) in terms of the education type and objective, foreign universities have set up the integrated major of translation and interpreting, whose target occupation is more diverse; (2) as for course structure, domestic universities have offered courses oriented specifically toward Chinese context, while not enough attention have been paid to professional literacy and technical courses like terminology and audiovisual translation; (3) as far as education method is concerned, seminars / workshops are offered in both domestic and foreign universities; however, foreign universities tend to adopt a more “simulation” teaching method, their curriculum is more practical, and their domestic tutor system is innovative; (4) in terms of thesis, domestic universities are more application-oriented. The paper concludes this comparative study by pointing out its educational implications for the domestic MTI programs.
Keywords: Master of Translation and Interpreting; professional education; content analysis; comparative study