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   理论研究 /
05  翻译的阴阳诗学——太极推手、浩然之气、纯语言   朱纯深
17  翻译研究中的“推手”——以海德格尔思想为观照角度   江承志
28  多元性别视角下的翻译研究   孙子尧
   译史纵横 /
39  媒介视阈中的译介与接受——论“报人”郑振铎的拜伦构建   屠国元
46  佛典汉译的开山之作考证   汪东萍
   译介研究 /
54  试论西方经典的跨文化译介策略——以戴望舒译奥维德《爱经》为例   包雨苗  肖馨瑶
61  唐诗在西班牙语世界的经典化路径探析   许一飞
   翻译教学 /
68  信息技术辅助下的中西口译教学:演变与展望   陈菁  吴琼
79  复合型翻译查证能力的培养方法案例研究   俞敬松  阙颖
   译家研究 /

86  外来启迪与本土创造:傅雷的翻译思想研究   马晓冬
   书刊评介 /
96  当代中国译学:不惑之年的思考——评《改革开放以来中国翻译研究概论(1978-2018)》   谭载喜
   学术访谈 /
105  对中国文学翻译的思考与践行——美国翻译家、汉学家罗鹏教授访谈录   张倩
   学术视点 /
111  理论、实践与教学:中国商务英语翻译研究20年   鲍文  梁芸
   行业研究 /
120  全球语言服务业并购重组研究   王传英  崔丽月
   翻译评论 /
130  汉语俗语对偶辞格英译的价值建构与国别属性——以汉学家韩南的明清小说翻译为例   刘晓晖   朱源
   学术争鸣 /
139  《中华人民共和国国际海运条例》及其《细则》中几个术语的英译商榷     隋桂岚  王彦春
   实践探索 /
149  中文社科文献外译的挑战、对策与建议——以《20世纪中国古代文化经典在域外的传播与影响研究》英译为例   姚斌  Ursula Deser Friedman
157  中华文化典籍中话题压制翻译技巧研究——中华文化典籍英译探微之七   钟书能  杨康
165  法律翻译中的文化传递   张法连
   自学之友 /
172  El Dorado(Robert Louis Stevenson)   叶子南 译
177  悟到深时句自工   叶子南
180  高兴(节选)(贾平凹)   韩斌 译
183  “生根的骨头”——乡土语言的翻译再现   韩斌  肖维青
   词语选译 /
187  《中国关键词》(节选)

   英文摘要 /
   信息广角 /
朱纯深 香港中文大学(深圳)
Towards a Yin-Yang Poetics of Translation
By ZHU Chunshen (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China) p.5
Abstract: Starting with a critical review of the theoretical claim that translation is by nature a kind of kong fu, or rather the “pushing hands” in the Tai Chi sense, this paper presents a dialogic engagement among conceptions of language and writing/reading/translation from both philosophy and translation discourse. What emerges from such an engagement is a yin-yang poetics of translation. From the perspective rendered available by this poetics, translation can be seen as a reciprocal verbal articulation to create a mirroring rhythm in the target text. In the process of such reciprocation, the target language is expected to “give up” its presuppositions in order to achieve a maximum degree of relaxation, agility, and vigilance in its response to an advancing flow of energy from the source text, as what happens in the “neither separating nor confronting” state of engagement in Tai Chi pushing hands. Translation perceived as such, the paper further argues, serves to sharpen the target culture’s sensitivity about its own and the source culture’s presence and to develop its capacity for accommodating, containing, absorbing and deflecting the momentum of the energy from the source in the creation of a target text.
江承志 武汉大学
“Pushing-hands” and a Tai Chi-informed Model of Inter-semiotic Translation
By JIANG Chengzhi (Wuhan University, Wuhan, China) p.17
Abstract: Attempts to apply the Tai Chi notion of “pushing-hands” to a reinterpretation of translation have been hampered by inadequate research on the ontological aspect of its philosophical underpinnings. To deal with the deficiency, this article draws on Heidegger’s conception of language and, upholding the principle of “to change (in translating) is to enlighten,” presents an updated Tai Chi-informed account of inter-semiotic translation. Among the questions it addresses are “why and how notions such as qi-cultivation, brightness and listening can provide new insights into translation.” And a three-step methodological model is also proposed for applying “pushing-hands” to text analysis in translation studies. 
孙子尧 南开大学
Gender Pluralism and the New Theoretical Possibilities It Offers to Translation Studies
By SUN Ziyao (Nankai University, Tianjin, China) p.28
Abstract: In recent years, the so-called “Gender Trouble” stirred up by poststructuralist feminism has become an increasingly salient issue in feminist translation studies. Scholars on one side of the issue maintain that the notion of “feminism” should be downplayed in order to facilitate the exploration of how gender and translation are connected. Those on the other side call instead for abandoning the term “gender” and revalorizing “woman” as the touchstone of sexual differences in translation scholarship. A careful analysis of this debate’s cultural implications and its resulting academic double bind reveals an underlying basic epistemological contradiction. A queering approach to addressing such a contradiction holds the promise of opening up new theoretical possibilities for multi-gendered studies of translation.
屠国元 宁波大学
Zheng Zhenduo’s Journalistic-Translational Reconstruction of Lord Byron
By TU Guoyuan (Ningbo University, Ningbo, China) p.39
Abstract: Under the editorship of celebrated journalist Zheng Zhenduo (1898-1958), the Shanghai-based Chinese magazine Fiction Monthly caught the public’s attention in 1924 by soliciting and publishing a series of translations of Lord Byron’s poetic works. Zheng, a devotee of the principle of “literature for life’s sake” throughout his journalistic and editorial career, took a special interest in Lord Byron at that time because he had  sensed that rendering Byronic poems accessible to Chinese readers could turn the British poet into an edificatory inspiration for the Chinese public in a turbulent historical period of modern China. Zheng’s motive and his skillful editorial treatment account for the selection the magazine made from the Byronic corpus and the way the selected pieces were translated and presented on the media platform of Fiction Monthy. By turning Byron into an inspiring symbol, the translations were clearly meant to raise the Chinese public’s consciousness and to infuse them with intellectual impetus for saving China from further sinking into the abyss of a semifeudal and semicolonial society.
汪东萍 广州大学
The First Works of Buddhist Scripture Being Rendered into Chinese: A Textual Research
By WANG Dongping (Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, China) p.46
Abstract: The endeavor to render Buddhist scripture into Chinese, also known as “the Millennial Project of Scripture Translation,” extended from the East Han dynasty to the Song dynasty for a total of 1,218 years and involved as many as 5396 volumes of Scriptural texts. As such, the Project has laid a solid foundation for, and played a pivotal role in shaping up, China’s unique tradition and characteristic practice of translation. Whereas a scholarly consensus has long been reached on its historical significance, exactly under what circumstances this project was initiated remains clouded. Concerning the crucial question of which scriptural texts were the first to be translated into Chinese, for instance, scholars concerned have come up with three different answers and have been embroiled in inconclusive disputes ever since.  This paper argues that to adjudicate the conflicting opinions in question, it is necessary that we have recourse to the methodological model offered by historians and settle the controversy on the basis of the evidence only careful textual research can provide.
包雨苗  浙江大学  │ 肖馨瑶 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
The Strategies for Translating Western Classics into Chinese: A Case Study of Dai Wangshu’s Rendition of Ovid’s Ars Amatoria
By BAO Yumiao (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China) & XIAO Xinyao (University of Texas at Austin, U.S.) p.54
Abstract: In China’s current efforts to promote its literature and culture abroad by adopting a “going-out” strategy, all the factors that affect the selection, translation, marketing, and reception of literary works in general ought to be taken into serious consideration. Taking Dai Wangshu’s 1929 translation of Ovid’s Ars Amatoria and his publisher’s marketing strategy as a representative case, this article analyzes the way external factors had imposed all kinds of constraints on this translator and his publisher alike, focusing in particular on how the different marketing strategies employed for the first and the second edition of Dai’s translation made a difference in Chinese readers’ reception of Ovid’s controversial original. Even though the case took place in a markedly different historical context and concerns only translation-enabled introduction of Western classics into China, the lessons drawn from it can still be applied usefully to China’s on-going endeavor to introduce its own literary works to other countries.
许一飞 上海外语教育出版社
Issues Concerning the Canonization of Tang Poetry in Spanish-speaking World
By XU Yifei (Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Shanghai, China) p.61
Abstract: Poetry of the Tang Dynasty, which counts among the immortal literary classics ever produced by Chinese culture, has been translated into Spanish and introduced to the Spanish-speaking world since the 19th century. As its history of publication and reception throughout el mundo hispanico shows, Spanish versions of Tang poems are in the process of being canonized, as part of the world literature, by the reading publics of Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries, and yet the process of canonization has been hindered by a number of factors. This article subjects the issues concerned to a critical examination, and proposes the taking of some measures to improve the communication of Spanish renditions of Tang poems with their target audience and thus to facilitate their canonization in the Spanish world.

陈菁  吴琼 厦门大学
IT-Assisted Interpreter Training in Retrospect and Prospect
By CHEN Jing & WU Qiong (Xiamen University, Xiamen, China) p.68
Abstract: The new generation of Information Technology (IT), represented by the Internet, artificial intelligence and big data, is changing the way we do interpreting, bringing unprecedented opportunities and challenges to interpreter education. To seize the opportunities and to meet the challenges, it is necessary that practitioners concerned gain a perspective on how IT came to play its unique role in interpreter training and how it might further contribute to the informatization of the field. Responding to such a need, we review in this article the relevant literature published from 1967 to 2017 in both China and the West, identifying the characteristics, problems and potentials of an IT-assisted approach to interpreter education so as to provide a useful point of reference for all those involved in the interpreting-related teaching and research, and to push for a deeper integration between information technologies and the training of interpreters as well.
俞敬松  阙颖 北京大学
Fostering Comprehensive Competence in Translation-related Search and Verification
By YU Jingsong & QUE Ying (Peking University, Beijing, China) p.79
Abstract: The more specialized and complicated a source text is, the greater competence in search and verification its translation would demand. Without the skills in critical thinking and the capability to retrieve needed information or otherwise utilize available technological tools, one can hardly hope to render such a text successfully. This is why how to help translators gain a comprehensive competence in search and verification has become a top issue to all the educational programs concerned. As part of its efforts to address this issue, Peking University has recently launched a pedagogically framed competition over the translation of academic articles on Turkic history. By participating in this competition, students have gained much from their experiences in selecting academically appropriate translation standards, analyzing language features of scholarly texts, managing translation quality control, and making use of information search tools, etc. It is hoped that this educational experiment will serve as a useful reference for the training of advanced translators.

马晓冬 北京外国语大学
摘要:本文以傅雷曾阅读过泰特勒《论翻译的原则》一书并大致认同其原则的事实联系为基础,探讨傅雷与泰特勒翻译标准的共鸣与差异,并尝试丰富对傅雷“神似”论来源的认识,进而阐发傅雷翻译思想中的创造性因素。文章首先讨论二者翻译观念中要求译文似创作文字的共同标准及相似表述;然后重点从翻译如绘画的类比来考察泰特勒对傅雷的启发,并分析两人 “翻译是艺术”这一理念的契合;第三部分则通过分析傅雷和泰特勒翻译思想的差异,特别是傅雷对翻译创造新句法的认识,对傅雷“理想的译文仿佛是原作者的中文写作”这一翻译标准进行阐发和解读。最后,结合时代语境讨论傅雷的相关翻译思考如何在建国后的翻译界产生回响。

谭载喜 深圳大学/北京外国语大学

张倩 西安外国语大学
摘要:美国杜克大学亚洲与中东研究系教授罗鹏(Carlos Rojas)近年来翻译出版了多位中国知名作家的小说,如余华的《兄弟》(与周成荫合译)、阎连科的《受活》以及贾平凹的《带灯》。他的译作曾得到北美知名媒体《纽约客》和《麦克林》的高度赞誉,并有多部译作荣获曼氏亚洲文学奖和布克国际奖等权威奖项长短书单提名。笔者围绕着罗鹏对中国文学外译及中国文学在美国的译介状况、他对翻译文学与文学研究之间关系的观点,以及他个人的翻译经历与体认进行了访谈,希望能让更多国内译界的学者听到来自这位“新锐汉学家”的声音,从而达到启发和促进本领域相关思考和研究的目的。
鲍文  梁芸 浙江工商大学 
王传英  崔丽月 南开大学

刘晓晖   大连外国语大学  │ 朱源 中国人民大学
Value Construction and National Identity Projection in the Translation of the Chinese Figure Dui-ou: With Sinologist Hanan’s English Rendition of Folk Sayings in Ming and Qing Novels as a Case in Point
By LIU Xiaohui (Dalian University of Foreign Languages, Dalian, China) & ZHU Yuan (Renmin University of China, Beijing, China)p.130
Abstract: An often-neglected issue in the cross-linguistic study of the Chinese figure of speech Dui-Ou is how the values and the national identity its use tends to embody are reconstructed or rewritten in the process of its translation. Drawing on contemporary theories of value and taking as an illuminating example Patrick Hanan’s rendition of Dui-ou employed in Chinese folk sayings in his English translations of Ming and Qing popular fiction, this paper explores the mechanisms whereby the target text reconstructs the national identity and cultural values the Chinese figure carries or projects in the original. The study finds that primary among these mechanisms is the subjectification of the object and the objectification of the subject. Other elements, such as the translator’s value needs, the textual strategies adopted and the criteria deployed in the process of translation, also help to determine the extent to which the national identity and the cultural values carried by the figure in the original are either preserved or assimilated in the target text.
隋桂岚  王彦春 大连海事大学

姚斌    [美] Ursula Deser Friedman 北京外国语大学
钟书能  杨康 华南理工大学
张法连 中国政法大学